
Our Purpose

Are you experiencing discontent at home in the form of miscommunication, arguments, or disagreements with fellow family members? If you’ve answered yes, you’ve come to the right place. At Coach Red, we understand the different dynamics that make up a household–from the adults to the teens to the children.

In a perfect world, everyone would hold hands and get along, but this isn’t utopia and we are all imperfectly human. In such a high-stress society that we live in, maintaining a solid family foundation is crucial. You see, nurture and nature both play a significant role in child development. Meaning, both parents and the environment shape beliefs, characteristics, and behavior.

While parenting is an incredibly rewarding and beautiful journey, we realize how challenging it can be. As parents, we cannot control everything our children encounter–even if we wish we could! However, we can start by trying to manage what happens within our home: ​

  1. Effective communication
  2. Respect
  3. Cooperation.

Coach Red benefits any kind of family dynamic–from co-parenting to blended families. Coach Red provides individual coaching, monthly newsletters, a Facebook page, and ​YouTube videosto help you learn the strategies needed to help a family connect and grow closer. We understand that life doesn’t always go as planned-some families separate, some couples divorce.

The goal is to make sure your children do not feel thrown in the middle of it all. As long as you are willing to put in the work, peace can return to your household. Life is too short to spend arguing. Instead, we should be equipping ourselves with the skills and traits that make us compassionate and emotionally competent beings.

Our Coach Red mantra is derived from the ancient African proverb: “It takes a village to raise a child.” Meaning, not only are parents responsible for looking after the well-being of our children, but neighbors and society are also important influencers. 

While we may not be able to control what external forces do for our kids, we can take things into our own hands and teach them valuable life lessons that will hopefully manifest in well behaved and communicative adults. We want you and your family to achieve happiness and health.

As always, if you need more information on how to enforce teamwork in your household, visit www.coachred1.com to schedule a FREE consultation. We will take you through the steps needed to raise happy, healthy, and compassionate children.

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CoachRedRochelleStrauss

Sign up for our monthly newsletter: https://bit.ly/red-news

Subscribe to our Youtube Channel: https://bit.ly/coachred

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