
How Can I Protect My Kids During the Holidays?

If you share custody of your kids with your ex, the holidays can be a minefield full of challenges. Of course, the pandemic only complicates things even more. The question Delray Beach life coach Rochelle Strauss says she is hearing most from parents this year is, “How can I protect my kids?”

You may not be planning any big family get-togethers this holiday season, but that doesn’t mean your Covid concerns are over. Household spread is a serious factor in the increasing number of Covid-19 cases. 

Split Custody Concerns this Holiday Season

“Millions of kids split their time between parents every week and even more so during the holidays, but concerns over COVID-19 can make that time even more stressful,” NBC4 in Washington pointed out in an investigation on shared custody and Covid-19 concerns as kids travel between households for the holidays.  

“Making decisions about how to handle pandemic precautions is tough on any family, but add in parents who couldn’t agree on much when they were together — with research identifying kids as silent spreaders — and families can have a real battle,” they point out. 

During their investigation, NBC4 talked to Barbara Burr, a family law attorney with nearly 20 years of experience. “She says if the couple has differing opinions about the severity of COVID-19 and precautions to take, the parents must realize that one household’s behavior will affect the other,” they reported. 

“A household contact is a very good way to get COVID,” Dr. Meghan Delaney, chief of pathology at Children’s National Hospital told NBC4. 

“Research shows kids can be asymptomatic and spread COVID-19 silently for weeks without even knowing they have it,” NBC 4 reminds parents. “Delaney said it’s more important than ever for parents to avoid downplaying a cough, runny nose or fever and to share that information with a co-parent.”

If you have specific questions or shared custody concerns related to your holiday celebrations, you can contact Coach Red, Rochelle Strauss, a life coach serving Delray Beach and Boca Raton families. 

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