
Effective Communication with Your Kids

You might ask yourself sometimes, “how do I connect with my child?” or, “I need help with my teenager.” That’s normal and there’s many ways to work on this, especially in a time where teens are glued to their devices.

Make mealtime the time to communicate as a family. Allow mealtime to help you touch base about each other’s day. 

Technology can be used to calm an emotional outburst or other strong emotion. Teach your children other ways of calming down. Because technology isn’t helping. It is used to avoid the feeling and basically, stuffing the feelings and the child will feel it eventually! 

What are ways you can address the child’s feelings instead of stuffing them by getting caught up in the computer? One useful tool is to teach your children meditation. This is an opportunity for you to stay connected with your child.

Technology can be used when the child is bored. But when they’re not, help them come up with a list of things they like to do. Then remind them of that list when they say they are bored. When my children would say they were bored, I would give them a household chore to do. They stopped saying that they were bored and just found some activities to do! That’s an example of training. 

It is normal teen activity to be online. Much socializing happens online. 


Make sure to discuss with your teens and tweens about:

  • Online predators
  • Isolation
  • Sexting
  • Sending inappropriate photos to others
  • Posting inappropriate photos online. Be aware that these photos are forever on the internet. They are not deleted just because they don’t see them. 
  • Talk to your children about the consequences and listen to them talk about their concerns. 

Also note that mistakes will happen. Tweens and teens will test boundaries, and you! Be present in the lives of your children. Love them on their level. Observe their behaviors. Notice changes, positive and negative changes. Remember to always love your children unconditionally.


How can we prevent overuse of technology that can lead to addiction and isolation?

  1. Stop sleeping with iPads, tablets, phones and laptops.
  2. Keep computers, televisions, phones etc. out of bedrooms
  3. Model healthy use of technology. Lead by example.
  4. Turn off notifications
  5. Keep an eye on your family’s gamers
  6. Take part in technology free days
  7. Encourage outdoor activities
  8. Work with the child’s other parent. Be unified in the acceptable time for using technology devices.
  9. Play music in the home
  10. Install an app that tells you how many times you checked your phone that day or how much time you were on your tablet.

For more on how technology affects your family, reach out to Coach Red, a Boca Raton life coach.  We are here to make families safe, to have children be heard and loved. Be sure to subscribe to Coach Red on YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn so you don’t miss any of these great topics.

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