
Phones, Tablets and Laptops… Oh MY

Too often in our busy lives, we try to do too many things. Multitasking is applauded in today’s society…right? But how can we excel at one thing when we are trying to do so many things at once? What are we teaching our children with regards to distraction and concentration? How do we practice effective communication?

Let’s look at this scenario… you just finished work. Drive to pick up the kids. Go grocery shopping. Give the tablet to the toddler to occupy them in the grocery store. Take the child to karate. Take the other child to gymnastics. You are exhausted. Prepare dinner and everyone is on their phones so they can relax. Sound familiar? 

I’m going to shelve the conversation about electronic devices at the table for now. Let’s talk about technology devices.

According to Hazelden Betty Ford, the “extreme use of technology can disrupt normal patterns of mood and socialization in teens,” and, according to Psychology Today, “in our present day, the increase in popularity and integration of technology in our daily lives prompts one to ponder the potential of developing an addiction to technology.”

Technology is everywhere. Children are using tablets and phones practically from birth. As parents, we get to set healthy boundaries for the use of technology. It is healthy for us to do so. 

Set limits for TV watching tablets, laptops and phones. Encourage creativity, free play and reading. Screen time shouldn’t always be alone time. Be present to monitor what your children are doing. Play video games with them to teach them good sportsmanship and game etiquette.

Be a role model for your children. Allow them to see you engaging in activities other than using technology. Let them see you engaging in conversation, reading, writing, drawing etc.

Teach the value of face-to-face communication vs. texting. 

The written word is not always understood like the spoken word and body language. Keep in mind that when we text, we are texting from our own perspective. The person we are texting is interpreting what they are reading from their own perspective. When we are speaking with others face to face, the body language gives clues as to the meaning of what you are saying.

For more on how technology affects your family, reach out to Coach Red, a Boca Raton life coach.  We are here to make families safe, to have children be heard and loved. Be sure to subscribe to Coach Red on YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn so you don’t miss any of these great topics.

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